近日,美國哈佛大學與麻省理工學院聯(lián)合的博德研究所John G. Doench等研究人員總結了CRISPR–Cas實驗的設計和分析。這一綜述論文于2020年4月13日在線發(fā)表在國際學術期刊《自然—生物技術》上。
Title: Design and analysis of CRISPR–Cas experiments
Author: Ruth E. Hanna, John G. Doench
Issue&Volume: 2020-04-13
Abstract: A large and ever-expanding set of CRISPR–Cas systems now enables the rapid and flexible manipulation of genomes in both targeted and large-scale experiments. Numerous software tools and analytical methods have been developed for the design and analysis of CRISPR–Cas experiments, including resources to design optimal guide RNAs for various modes of manipulation and to analyze the results of such experiments. A major recent focus has been the development of comprehensive tools for use on data from large-scale CRISPR-based genetic screens. As this field continues to progress, a clear ongoing challenge is not only to innovate, but to actively maintain and improve existing tools so that researchers across disciplines can rely on a stable set of excellent computational resources for CRISPR–Cas experiments.
DOI: 10.1038/s41587-020-0490-7
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-020-0490-7